Monday 3 May 2021

Open Air Creations

Children were recently afforded the opportunity to get creative in our "Trim Trail" area. The used, dandelions, daisies, tree bark, stones, grass (and anything else that they could get their hands on) to construct their oen pieces of art. Some chose to create figurative pieces (depicting real living things or objects) while others made abstract art (not intended to represent objects or living things).

Outdoor Lessons

In keeping with health and safety quidelines, where possible, we have been conducting lessons outdoors. We get the beneift of fresh air, we get to move more and we get to learn in a variety of ways that might not be possible in the classroom. This has been great fun and it is something that we would love to keep up even when we get back to "normality". Check out some photos from our lesson on length. Children used a variety of instruments to measure and record various distances, using the stadardised metric units that they deemed to be most suitable (mm, cm, m or km).


Last month, we enjoyed doing gymnastics as part of our PE programme. We learned how to roll, move and land safely. It was great fun and the ...